Dear Friends and Family:
We are very excited to announce that Journey to Authentic Living (JTAL) has launched a new website, www.JourneyToAuthenticLiving.c om and abbreviated for convenience to, There you will find our new blogs.
As a coaching, consulting, and training company it is important for us to make information regarding personal development solutions, services and training easily accessible for our current and prospective clients. We also want to provide everyone with the opportunity to get to know us better, understand who we are as a company, and the team leaders that drive our business.
We pride ourselves as being a thought leader in personal development and all-around health and wellness. We encourage you to visit our website and to share it with anyone that you think may be interested in learning more about how to achieve lasting transformational lifestyle change though personal development.
Special thanks to our marketing consultant, Ashley Morales and web designer, Scott Porter who have worked very hard to put this website together.
For more information on Journey to Authentic Living, please contact us
Best regards,
Sandra Rojo
Founder and Principle
Journey To Authentic Living
4231 Balboa Avenue
San Diego, CA 92117